jueves, 7 de noviembre de 2019


The gym of San Fernando school has been transformed into a terrifying escape room, using Halloween as the guiding thread.

The different levels of Primary Education have participated in this gamified dynamic with a common goal: to overcome diverse tests in collaboration with their classmates in order to escape.

Particularly, in sixth grade, each team has faced four different challenges in four different stations, which have given students a great opportunity to use English in communicative and playful scenarios:

1) SKELETON STATION. This challenge has divided students in pairs: student A, who has described a given monster using patterns; and student B, who has listened carefully to draw a monster considering the description given by his or her partner. Children have revised: have got and can.

2) BAT STATION. As in the previous one, this challege has involved pairs to carry out an information exchange. Each child has been given a secret card with the drawing of a terrifying character and its name, age, profession, hobby ... They have exchanged data with a partner using the following questions: What’s your name? How old are you? Where do you live?  What do you do? What do you like? However, as a pre-activity, they have completed a chart which has helped them to formulate the questions.
My classroom corner

3) PUMPKIN STATION. This challenge has encouraged students to work on a reading comprehension task, in which they have practised their reading skill in English through a text about Halloween and some questions.

4) GHOST STATION. The chinese whispers (teléfono roto) game has guided the development of this challenge. Our conversation assistant, Charmaine, has recited a verse from a song about Trick or Treat to a child's ear and this one to the next pupil... The same procedure has been followed until the last student, who has written the received information in a sheet. The results have been fun ...

Therefore, the different groups have rotated through all the stations. They have won a key with a written word for each right challenge. Finally, each group has ordered the four keys in order to create the magic sentence to escape: Charmaine has got the key!


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